Product Resources

Selecting Vegetation


Our GroWall system is sold exclusively at Agrecol Native Seed & Plant Nursery You can easily order your GroWall kit online and it will arrive on your doorstep in a few days!

We recommend determining the height and length of your project first. A filled bag will be approximately 2 feet long, and 4 inches tall. From there, calculate the number of bags that you need and order the corresponding kit size.

Height (Feet) / .33(Feet) = # of Bags High
Length (Feet) / 2 (Feet) = # of Bags Long
# of Bags High x # of Bags Long = # of Bags You Will Need

Example: You are looking to install GroWall bags along a shoreline that is 30 feet long and needs to be 1.5 feet tall.

Height: 1.5ft / 0.33ft = 5 Bags High (Rounded Up)
Length: 30ft / 2ft = 15 Bags Long
5 x 15 = 75 GroWall Bags Needed

If you need more bags, simply order another kit from Nature Hills Nursery. We offer a variety of kit sizes to meet your needs.

GroWall is designed for easy installation. Head to our Installation Information section to learn how you can install this system yourself.

Yes! GroWall is a truly green retaining wall alternative. Wood and concrete material is very carbon intensive to produce and needs replacing as it deteriorates over time. The GroWall bag is made once and designed to last for decades, reducing the amount of carbon emissions from product creation. Also, the bags allow you to grow vegetation which can help sequester carbon and create habitat for insects and wildlife. Envirolok does not use recycled material content, as they include fillers that break down and result in leaching.

We recommend filling our vegetated retaining wall bads with a mix of about 60% sand and 40% topsoil. These can easily be sourced at your local greenhouse, hardware store, or landscaping company. We discourage the use of compost because it decomposes quickly which can lead to slumping.

The GroWall System is not biodegradable. This allows you to be confident that what you are installing will last for decades to come. Our green retaining wall system won’t need to be replaced or require frequent maintenance.

Contact us! We are happy to answer any questions or talk you through an issue that you may be experiencing.

GroWall by Envirolok guarantees all materials and workmanship of the individual components to be free of manufacturer defects. The guarantee excludes vandalism, improper use, corrosion caused by chemicals and acts of God. Any claim under this warranty must be filed within the timeframe of original invoice date and must be accompanied by the original invoice or invoice number. GroWall by Envirolok does not imply or express any other warranties associated with its products.

The GroWall system does work in all climates! Whether you live up north and are concerned about ice, or you live down south and experience extreme heat, the bags will be just fine. The only thing you will want to consider is planting the GroWall system with native plants from your area, so they thrive in your climate.

We encourage the use of native plants because they are already adapted to your climate, and they tend to have deep root systems that add additional strength to the GroWall system. Not to mention they help support your local habitat and pollinator population. Unsure of native plants in your area? Use the National Wildlife Federation Native Plant Finder to discover native plants in your area.

Please note that you can use whatever vegetation that you prefer. Just be sure to consider the moisture and sun exposure of the area before you select plants. Need more info on our green alternative to traditional retaining walls? Contact GroWall today!

Preparing for Installation


We recommend determining the height and length of your project first. A filled bag will be approximately 2 feet long, and 4 inches tall. From there, calculate the number of bags that you need and order the corresponding kit size.


of feet / .33 ft = of Bags High


of feet / 2 ft = of Bags Long


of Bags High x of Bags Long = of Bags You Will Need

  • Tape Measure
  • Shovel
  • Hand Tamper
  • Hard Rake
  • Safety Glasses
  • Contractor Bucket


You are looking to install GroWall bags along a shoreline that is 30 feet long and needs to be 1.5 feet tall.

Height: 1.5ft / 0.33ft = 5 Bags High (Round Up)
Length: 30ft / 2ft = 15 Bags Long
5 x 15 = 75 GroWall Bags Needed

bag Filling guide


What makes GroWall unique is the ability to grow vegetation on the bags to create a one-of-a-kind feature. You choose what to build and what to grow. This means you have numerous vegetation options to fit any budget, site conditions, and aesthetics.

When it comes to choosing plants, you get to decide what is right for you. Whether that is native plants, perennials, succulents, or any other type of plant, you choose what works best for your climate and your project.

Slurry Mix

By mixing a slurry of seeds, water, fertilizer, and mulch, you can cover the bags and watch as seeds grow into a lush, vegetated covering. When picking out seed mixes, select ones that match your environment, sun exposure, and local habitat to have the highest success rate.

Live Stakes

Live Stakes are sections of branches without twigs or leaves that will grow into new plants once placed in soil. Dogwood and Willow are popular choices for live stakes as they have a high success rate and are easy to install. Simply insert the live stakes in-between the bags, like the plant plugs, and watch it grow.


In some situations, it is beneficial to use multiple different planting methods for the quickest results. By using a combination of slurry mix, plant plugs, and live stakes you can create the vegetation cover you desire.

Plant Plugs

If using plant plugs, these can either be placed during installation or afterward. The plant plugs will be sandwiched in-between the rows of GroWall bags. Click Here to order one of our predesigned GroWall Plant Kits from Agrecol Native Seed and Plant Nursery.

Sod Mats

Want a fully vegetated look without having to wait for vegetation to grow in? Want something manicured and easy to maintain? Simply pin sod or sedum mats over the bags and watch them take root. Note: it is important to lay soil over the bags and fill in any air gaps so the roots do not dry out before you lay the mats over the system.

  • Do NOT cut the bag to insert plant material.
  • Do NOT burn vegetation on the bag, they are flammable.
  • Be careful when watering seeds and young plants. Use a gentle spray setting so you do not wash away seeds/plant material.


Installation Guides!

Have more questions? , email us or call 608-226-2565. We are here to help!








Welcome to our GroWall Blog! These blog posts are written by our staff of industry experts to give you tips on how to install GroWall successfully and grow thriving vegetation. We hope that these blog posts can be used as a resource for anyone who is questioning what to build, how to build, and what to plant. Stay tuned for the latest and greatest information on GroWall and its various applications through our blog.

Live Planting Tips

Using plant plugs and live stakes is an easy vegetation method to use with the GroWall system. Simply sandwich the roots of the plant in-between the GroWall bags and watch it grow. The great part about plant plugs is [...]

It’s Easy Being Green

GroWall makes it easy to incorporate natural, green solutions into your project planning. By growing plants through the bags and adding vegetation you are creating habitat and ecosystems that can help support nature. Trying to pick which plants would [...]

Contact Us

GroWall kits by Envirolok are sold through Envirolok and Agrecol Native Plant Nursery. We work together to answer your questions, help find the perfect solutions, and give you the guidance you need to get started on building your own stunning natural retaining wall for raised gardens, shoreline protection, and more!!

Contact Us